04 April 2009

The New Golden Church

I uploaded old entries from my LJ account onto here. It's not all of it since a lot of my old entries were boring personal ones, but I hope you enjoy looking back into my past if you do.

I hope you enjoy the new banner. ^^; It's not much, but it's better than nothing. I <3 Chroche-sama. <3

There's one more thing that I want to do. I've been indecisive in what kind of banner and color scheme that I really want, and I feel like keeping them all for future reference, so I'm looking for a way that people can change the theme. I could have the current theme as the default one for example, and have different ones to select from in a drop menu in the sidebar for example. I have somewhat of an idea on how it could work, but I don't know how I could implement it onto here. If anyone can figure it out, then I shall grace you with an embrace like no other. <3


  1. orica might know how to do that. Check here -> http://www.frelia.com

  2. I couldn't find anything in the above link that you gave me, but thanks anyway Thunder.
