06 February 2008

こんばんわ! (:D)

Ohayocon? It was a blast. Next stop: Anime Punch! If I can get a hotel room somewhere near Columbus that is. >_<

I shipped back a MOBO that was dead on arrival. All of the components come, and it turns out that the motherboard is the one that refused to work. Don't you love it when that happens?

I bought Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut (limited edition w/ the artbook and the soundtrack), Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3, and Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (version B.) It's going to be several weeks before I receive anything since it takes a while for them to receive Melty Blood for some reason. v__v Regardless, Tales of Destiny PS2 was amazing and I can't wait to play Leon's route in the director's cut. Narikiri Dungeon and the other GBA Tales of games & Fandom Vol. 2 were $15.00 each, which was an awesome deal considering that they usually go for about 50 US bucks a pop.

I just got volume 1 of the D Gray-Man manga a few hours ago. I must read soon.