21 April 2009

The Next Month

Finals are slowly creeping up on me. I'm currently working on my Intro to Photography portfolio, and I have no clue when it'll be done. I'm supposed to have 10 contact sheets and 15 prints made in two weeks. I have two sheets made and five prints done, although some of them I want to redo since they're not quite up to standard. I'm doing a neglection theme for my portfolio, and for the most part I've been taking photographs of polluted areas and trash lying on the side of the road. I have four additional rolls of film waiting to be processed, and I'm currently working on 7/10 right now. They're all in black and white. Color would have worked much better for my project. -_-

Regardless, I also have three additional exams that I need to study for in the next few weeks, and for a Music as a World Phenomenon exam this coming Thursday.

As much as I hate to say this, I'm going to be less active at the sites and forums that I frequent until mid-May when I move out of my dorm and go home for the summer. My concentration level needs to be at the highest level that it can be at, and surfing the internet as frequently as I do at times like these is bound to hinder that. It's going to be painful since I won't be able to chat with people as much, and even more painful since I'll be away from the ones who I love, but it's a process that I'm going to have to deal with. College isn't free and I really don't feel like extending my stay for another semester, so that's the way that it's going to be.

I'll still be on AIM, YIM, and MSN, but don't be surprised if I'm slow to respond or seem unusually out of it at times.

I can't wait for summer.


  1. Good luck man! I busted my butt off in college, but I still ended up hanging around for an extra year, lolz

  2. Cheer up~ Finals are not that bad, though.
    It's brings out bad memories, however...
    Lolz don't think about that~

  3. Awww...

    May I ask why it brings back bad memories Mell?
