I bought the Sacred Army Set off of RosenQueen back when it was first available in September of last year. The initial box came with the game (duh), a 22 page full color mini artbook, and a 24 track soundtrack. The preorder bonus was an additional 31 track soundtrack with 12 more pages of artwork inside its case. Unfortunately, if you combine the two soundtrack CDs you still don't get the Ar Tonelico II OST in its entirety. Also, the only song magic track on either of the CDs is "EXEC_WITH.METHOD_METAFALICA", which I find disappointing since the song magics are usually my favorite songs in Ar Tonelico. "EXEC_WITH.PHANTASMAGORIA" anyone? XD Anyway, I'm debating on whether or not I should break the wrap covering the bonus soundtrack. I still have it on my copy of the soundtrack that came with Ar Tonelico, but I'm curious to see what the contents of the "extra" pages of the artbook are.
I thought that I've seen all of the official AT2 artwork that there was to see. Apparently I was wrong. Chroche-sama still looks beautiful as ever in those facial expressions. <3>

There's a Jakuri (Jacqli) body pillow contest going on right now at several gaming sites if you didn't know already. I really want one as I feel as though I need something to hug and be with whenever I'm feeling lonely.
Well, it's time for me to go play this game already. Sadly, I heard that some of the voices in the game are missing. Stupid NISA! *nails the translators with Majinken* Regardless, my dear Chroche-sama is waiting for me, and I cannot fail her as her breaking my heart would be far too damaging to my own mind and soul. Chroche, I love you...
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