I don't remember any Christmas morning that was shorter than this one in my entire life. I swear that we opened all our gifts within 30 minutes. It took us three times as long in the past. That's what happens when family problems come and bite you in the ass. I finally got my own digital camera, a Kodak ZD710 to be exact. It's much better than the old one that my parents never use. I also got a 2GB memory card, and an 8" flat screen LCD monitor for displaying them. In addition, I received a four USB connector hub (I now have five free USB ports on my laptop), something that goes on the bottom of my boots to prevent me from falling flat on the ground (k >_>), the Gamecube version of the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (which I'll start on tomorrow if I have the time), Fate/stay Night volume 1 w/ the box (It's pretty), FSN volume 6 w/ the clock (the clock is pretty standard, but I like Saber), a $15 iTunes gift card, a $25 iTunes gift card, a $25 gift card, and $50 cash. Not bad for such a smaller display than what I've been accustomed to.
We went to my brother's house for dinner. I was in no mood to eat as I wanted to work and I had already ate so much at home. So I sat on the couch and watched South Park on and off until we went home.
I don't know why, but this December 25th didn't feel like Christmas.

Finally, the Tales game that I've been waiting for since the Abyss came out in Japan! The first character kind of looks like Tear, so maybe it's a sequel? It could be, but it seems more like an original game than anything else. :( Can't complain with that though. ^_^