30 November 2008

Ar Tonelico <3

It's Ar Tonelico 2 Danjo! <3 Chroche, you look cuter than ever. <3<3<3

So I've been playing Atelier Iris 3 like crazy recently. I figured that it was time for me to finally beat it. XD I'm in the middle of chapter 8. I am close to creating all of the items within the game. Haha!

28 November 2008



I posted this in my Tales Brigade blog, but I'll post this here as well. Behold...what I'm thankful for in the Tales series! ^_^;

I want to thank Namco Bandai of America for giving us Americans the opportunity to play games from the Tales series, and for recently localizing Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Tales is a very underrated and overlooked series here in the states that deserves more attention than it's getting. It has a unique battle system and each game has characters and a storyline that sucks you in and keeps you close. Most importantly, there is one word that describes them: fun. And that's what a game should always be. I just wish that Bamco would advertise the game much better. I mean, Soul Calibur IV got tons of attention. Why not Dawn of the New World?

I'm so glad that I was introduced to Tales of Symphonia on a cold fall morning in 2004. If there has been a video game series that has defined my life over the past 4+ years, it's Tales. Tales is the one thing that jumpstarted my interest in JRPGs and Japanese culture in general, and for that I'm thankful. <3

Undine, I want to thank you for setting up this community. I know that I'm not very well known around here, but I'm so glad that you've set up such a peaceful place for the Tales community. I don't care if I buy anything from the shop or how high my grade will be come Feburary, I'm just glad to see that there are so many Tales fans here in America. ^^; For those who have friended me here (Rar-kun, Ishtar, and of course, Undine), thanks. <3

Finally, I want to thank Okumura Daigo. For creating Marta. Ah Marta, how I love thee. <3 *Gets hit by Raine's chalk* But seriously, you, Fujishima Kosuke, Inomata Mutsumi, and all of the artists involved. Your art has been a driving force for me to be a loyal Tales fan and has kept me drawing to this day in hope that one day I'll be as good as you. For that, I thank you.

Keep it up Bamco! Innocence and Hearts for America!

Note the last sentence. Come on Namco Bandai of America, I'm pretty sure that Tales of Innocence and Tales of Hearts will have a pretty good fanbase over here. Plus we want more Tales damnit.

If you do localize Hearts, then please don't localize just the CG version. Beryl's smile has creeped me out enough already.

06 February 2008

こんばんわ! (:D)

Ohayocon? It was a blast. Next stop: Anime Punch! If I can get a hotel room somewhere near Columbus that is. >_<

I shipped back a MOBO that was dead on arrival. All of the components come, and it turns out that the motherboard is the one that refused to work. Don't you love it when that happens?

I bought Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut (limited edition w/ the artbook and the soundtrack), Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3, and Melty Blood: Act Cadenza (version B.) It's going to be several weeks before I receive anything since it takes a while for them to receive Melty Blood for some reason. v__v Regardless, Tales of Destiny PS2 was amazing and I can't wait to play Leon's route in the director's cut. Narikiri Dungeon and the other GBA Tales of games & Fandom Vol. 2 were $15.00 each, which was an awesome deal considering that they usually go for about 50 US bucks a pop.

I just got volume 1 of the D Gray-Man manga a few hours ago. I must read soon.

03 January 2008

Ohayocon FTW

My laptop hard drive is on its last legs. ;_; Every time I boot it up, it randomly crashes once Windows finishes loading. Thus, I'm on my father's computer right now. Dell FTL.

Ohayocon starts Friday. I hope that they have good Tales, Atelier, D Gray Man, Haruhi, Higurashi, and/or Type Moon stuffs in this dealer's room. (Unlike Colassalcon where nearly every import CD or game is pirated from Hong Kong >_<) My (maybe) plan is to be Zelos one last time before I put his outfit into retirement once and for all. I'm thinking about wearing a "I CAN'T DIE!" sign in reference to an inside joke between Kensai and I involving ToS: KoR, (even if inside jokes = bad >_<) and maybe some wings to go along with it. Events don't start until noon, and it's only anime for the first two hours. Loader, Kensai, and I are riding down to Columbus as a trio Thursday afternoon since I have to pick up my preregistration badge. The other two are going to have to buy their way in the next day. We'll be staying at the Hyatte Regency along with several other members of my school's anime club. We're even thinking about heading to Dayton after the con on Sunday to see Kensai's college and appartment, and raid AJ's house and "beat some sense into him" just because we can. Arrrgh!

Oh, and I'll be taking pictures. Lots of them. Arrrrrrgh!