22 March 2009



I got tired of LJ's limited ways and I've already found this place to be more extensive. So I'm claiming this land as mine. *Plants flag on the ground in the name of himself and Chroche-sama* <3

I'll be importing my past LJ entries before too long and make this place look pretty as I can. Sadly, AJ is coming over to my place before too long and we're going to be doing some drafting and creative work for part three of the Alien's Project and *possibly* part two of the Midnight Stalker: Mad Max Chronicles. Not that I want to since it has been five years since we did part one. *cough*

So, want to friend and love me peoples?


  1. A five year gap between parts of a project!? Whoa! Good luck with that.

    I kinda feel bad for hijacking MoPo's comments in that one post...

    Anyway, it's good to have ya here!

  2. N-no...It's alright Thunder-san~~
    Oh..and hello Naraku-Tenma san~~Nice to meet you in here..~~Moo~

  3. Hi there Naraku-san.
