16 December 2009

Ar tonelico II = IGN's PS2 GOTY

Nice...err...assets! ^^ *is kicked by Chroche-sempai*

It's IGN, yes. The PS2 is in its twilight, yes. But this is a nice surprise nonetheless.


Credit goes to Rar for posting the link to this on his Twitter.

08 December 2009

Naraku's Twitter...

...is right here.

Yeah, I finally decided to get one. Why? Because I felt like it. Follow me. I know you want to. ;D

19 October 2009

International Saimoe League 2009: Help save Kyou!

A zettai ryouiki goddess.


Please vote for Kyou nao to keep the dream alive~! Also, it's not fair that I had to choose between Misuzu and Mai. Gao.

13 October 2009

Ar tonelico III - It lives!


Oh. Hell. Yes. YES! It took nearly two years of waiting for me but ATIII's existence has finally been confirmed to be real! I seriously cannot wait for this game that I need to import asap. Heck, I may even go as far to get it off of Gust's official shop so that I can get the bonuses off there if I can find them anywhere else. =D Anyway, here's some info.

The game will take place in a region known as Sol Cluster. There, the higher classes are ran by reyvateils and humans work for them as slaves. The central location for reyvateils in Sol Cluster is Clusternia, where humans are brought into to help further enhance reyateils and humans who hate Clusternia are brought into it so that they can be "cleansed." The game features a white haired protagonist named Aoto, a
ß reyvateil named Fennel, and a reyvateil named Saki. I think I'm already in love with Saki. <3

Aoto is the main protagonist. Headstrong and hasty, he is the apprentice of a construction worker. He is good at accomplishing tasks. He had a dislike for Clusternia which strengthened once he met Saki. He can also jump, which is something that Chroah couldn't do. >_>
Seiyuu: Sugiyama Noriaki

Saki (<3) is a reyvateil who was born in a research lab created to help bring change to the world. She ended up escaping before the completion of the project and her whereabouts had been unknown for years until she met Aoto.
Seiyuu: Gotou Mai

is a loli ß-type reyvateil who works for Yokkora, a restaurant built on the Eternal Road. She seems to have a connection with Clusteria's existence. She is also very clumsy.
Seiyuu: Kitamura Eri

Diving is the same as the first two games in the series only this time you will meet different personalities of the reyvateils within their cosmospheres. Their apparence and personalities will be different from the real world. Song magic differs from personality to personality.

The song magic system in this game is known as RAH. Through synthesis players are able to create their own song magic, which is a pretty cool feature within itself. Not only that but players are able to change the background music of fights depending on whatever actions they decide to take.

Bamco of Japan has scheduled January 28, 2010 as the game's release date. The trip to Sol Cluster will be fun, exciting, and epic and that's for sure. ^^

Credit goes to Lazy (ARM), Siliconera, and PS3 News for the compiled info. Scans from Siliconera.

03 October 2009

Atelier Rorona coming to North America in 2010

My-my-my Rorona!

The summer of 2010 to be exact. NISA officially announced the game's localization in their most recent newsletter. Seeing that NISA is doing it I'm a bit worried about it due to past mistakes by them, but knowing that the traditional Atelier games in the series are finally getting attention (along with Rororina-chan. <3) makes me a happy Tenma. ^^ I'll be playing through Rorona a while before its released here in America so playing through the English version should be an interesting experience since I'll already know what's going on. Regardless, I can't wait for Rororina-chan and friends to make it stateside.

Horray for Rorona! ^^

Official press release

02 October 2009

Jakuri mug

What are you looking at boy?

Horray for another edition to my ever growing Ar tonelico collection. ^^ I won the official mug that Gust sold on their online shop off of Yahoo! Japan Auctions a month ago and now I own this wonderful piece of merchandise. They chose to have the right expression for Jakuri (sarcastic FTW) and color for it for this. I love it. I won't be taking this out of the box often until I finally get a glass case to store this and my figures in.

In other news, my birthday is tomorrow. Yay? I already recieved my gift from my parents: Fate/Unlimited Codes for the PS2. No special edition however as I have no real interest in the Saber Lily figma that came with it. Although the game was bought new the disc came out of its place in the case while it was being shipped and thus it got plenty of scratches on it. Fun. -_- Hopefully it still works.

30 September 2009

A happy belated birthday

Vayne Aurelius's birthday was two days ago. I ended up becoming so busy that I forgot all about it. ;_; I'm sorry Vayne and happy late birthday you wonderful alchemist!

*gives Vayne a muscat sorbet*

29 September 2009

Hey, a Fate RPG!

It's fate that this game was created. All right, I admit that I made a pretty bad pun. xD (Image credit: Sankaku Complex)

I swear, the Fate franchise will never die. Not that I'm complaining. Imageepoch has been devolping a Fate/stay Night RPG for the PSP for quite some time called Fate/Extra. The graphical style looks very similar to that of Fate/Unlimited Codes. I'm pulling for a battle system similar to that of the Tales series. Regardless, this game is looking like a day one buy for me so far.

Also, Saber looks good in red.

20 September 2009

See this?

I want this. Badly.


Why? Because I do and it has Lisette in it. Oh Lisette...

Science has never been so cute. <3

This is also pretty awesome. It's a science study guide based off of Atelier Rorona. If there was an English version of it then I would definitely try to convince my university to endorse and use these for a class. >=D

A Marie version has also been confirmed.

I'm not too sure that I would want to learn from a student like her though... :O

16 September 2009

Atelier DS 3 - Atelier Lina!


Gust has announced a third installment in the DS Atelier side series. Lina's pretty cute but she's not as cute as Lisette or Rorona.


Wha? I'm sorry! ;_; Anyway, it's being released in Japan on the 22nd of December for 5040 yen. If there's a premium box like there has been with the majority of the games in the series then I'll buy that.

Also, I like the song on the main page. I have high hopes for the soundtrack as usual.

10 September 2009

So I collect figures and stuff...

I <3 hungry ghost girls.


So check it out and stuff. I'm going to start collecting figures semi-often again starting with the one in the picture. >D Horray for Yuyuko!

27 August 2009

Mana Khemia 2! <3


I got my copy of Mana Khemia 2 in the mail today! <3 Yes, this is the Alchemic Art Collection version of the game that was, and still is being sold at RQ. I was quite surprised by it's packaging. I expected the game to come in me in the same form as Mana Khemia's did and for everything else to be seperate. I'm glad that it wasn't the case and that I can keep everything in one spot.

The artbook looks pretty sweet and it has the art used for the box art minus the logos in it which really made me happy. The poster is just screaming for me to post it upon one of my walls but I've decided to spare it and do the job if I end up getting another one since I don't want to risk doing damage to it. The soundtrack is...well, it's a soundtrack. Unfortunately it only has 32 songs out of the 77 in the original OST. Well, I didn't expect it to be a full soundtrack.

I'm going to start playing this
tonight. I'm interested in seeing what it's like compared to MK1.

The case containing the game and the OST case.The back of the AAC case.

01 August 2009

Guess what came in the mail today?

After nearly nine months of waiting and forgetting about its existance I finally got the bonuses for completing the Tales Brigade's "preorder ToS: Dawn of the New World" quest in the mail. Unsurprisingly I got the DotNW shirt that they shipped out as a replacement for the Tokunaga heads that they claimed to have a shortage of. This would be the second one that I acquired, the first from leftover gald that I spent towards the end of the Brigade's existance. However, that was not all. There was something else that awaited me in the package. Something that was a huge surprise to me that has really made my night.


The one that I thought would never come. Tokunaga! ^_^

I don't think that they're going to remain on my shelf though. I'll be moving them near my gaming setup soon enough. xD

30 July 2009

Thoughts on the Tales of Vesperia PS3 demo

Aww...isn't this a wonderful scene? <3

I played through the PS3 Tales of Vesperia demo today, and I've got say that it was pretty...interesting.

The demo skips the opening movie and it takes you directly to the start screen, which meant that I didn't get to hear Ring a Bell. =( I pressed start and I was underway.

Instead of starting from the beginning of the game the demo takes place in the Forest of Keiv Moc. The party, consisting of Yuri, Estelle, Rita, Repede, and the PS3 exclusive character Patty Fleur are all level 25. Raven is also with the party but he remains an NPC throughout the whole demo. You get plenty of items to play around with, which consists of mostly gels and other random items.

There are plenty of opportunities for combat, which means that players can spend enough time playing around with Patty. Not in that way. >_> Although her panties are visible during one of her victory poses.

Despite the fact that Patty's in your party throughout the entire demo, you don't actually meet up with her until the middle. Umm...paradoxes FTW? Yuri rescues Patty from being assulted by a flying enemy, then picks her up then drops her. Way to go Yuri. >_> Patty returns the favor by beating the crap out of a looming mantis soon after.

The demo continues on with some more encounters and even a Mimic along the way? Yay? The final boss of the demo is the main boss of the Forest of Kiev Moc, Gigalarva. After its defeat after a long and hard fought battle you get the usual results screen and then a black background with the words "Coming Soon" on top in white text with a small icon of Repede on the top right corner of it.

All in all it was a pretty good demo. Its average playtime is around 30-40 minutes, so it kept my attention for a good and short period of time. I only played as Yuri so I cannot say whether or not Patty is good under manual control. She did do a decent job as a CPU.

I may import the PS3 version of ToV when it comes out since I've never gotten a real chance to play through it. And it's a Tales game, which means that I must play it. :P

22 July 2009

Tales of VS. Full Roster Revealed


So a Tales of the Tempest character got into the game as a playable character yet Marta and Zelos were excluded? I had hope since Zelos has done very well in the Taleschannel character rankings and Marta didn't do such a bad job in last year's either. But it was not meant to be. There is no justice in this world. T_T

Oh well. At least I'll be able to play as Yuri, Judith, Luke, Tear, Anise and others. I'm still anticipating this game since it looks so awesome and you can't go wrong with a 2D fighter in the style of the Tales series.

Also, sorry for not updating the Golden Church often. I've been busy with other things.

26 June 2009

Mana Khemia 2 Portable+


So Mana Khemia 2 is being ported to the PSP just like its predecessor eh? I've never played the PSP version of MK, but I look forward to MK2's port.

Looking at the site, I'm glad to see that Gust has opted to stick with UMDs as opposed to just making it downloadable on the PSN like developers are starting to do with future PSP games. I'm someone who prefers to go to a store and buy a physical copy of a game as opposed to having to download it onto my system.

Mana Khemia 2 Portable+ releases in Japan on October 1st for 5040 yen. Yay?

16 June 2009

Another reason why I wish that I lived in Japan. ;_;

The US never gets cool stuff like this. Ever. I want the towels. Badly.

Oh well. ;o;

Clicky clicky!

The official Atelier Rorona countdown site is up. There's going to be a new video every day on this site until Rorona's release about the game's mechanics, featuring Rorona's director. Voice clips are also on the site in mp3 and wav format, and a new pic will be uploaded every day in Gust's oekaki section up until the game's release.

9 more days!
*Is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the premium box that he preordered*

15 June 2009

International Saimoe League 2009: ~Sapphire Period~ Round 7

ARENA 01: Misaka Shiori [Illyasviel von Einzbern]

ARENA 02: Shameimaru Aya [Kinomoto Sakura]

ARENA 03: [Saber] Hiiragi Kagami

ARENA 04: Kawashima Ami [Shinku]

ARENA 05: [Fujibayashi Kyō] Tsukimiya Ayu

ARENA 06: Nagi [Sunohara Mei]

ARENA 07: Evangeline McDowell [Fate Testarossa]

ARENA 08: [Tōsaka Rin] Kawasumi Mai

ARENA 09: [Kamio Misuzu] Alice Carroll

ARENA 10: Maria [Ichinose Kotomi]

ARENA 11: Katagiri Yūhi [Hakurei Reimu]

ARENA 12: Takamachi Nanoha [Abstained] Louise Vallière

ARENA 13: [Remilia Scarlet] C.C.

ARENA 14: Katsura Hinagiku [Asahina Mikuru]

ARENA 15: [Suiseiseki] Chiba Kirino

ARENA 16: Kawazoe Tamaki [Abstained] Vita

ARENA 17: Anya Alstreim [Kōzuki Kallen]

ARENA 18: Kushieda Minori [Suigintou]

ARENA 19: [Ryūgū Rena] Hinamori Amu

ARENA 20: Misaka Mikoto [Chii]

ARENA 21: [Suzumiya Haruhi] Yagami Hayate

ARENA 22: [Kirisame Marisa] Kasuga “Ōsaka” Ayumu

ARENA 23: [Kurata Sayuri] Sanzen'in Nagi

ARENA 24: [Shana] Minase Nayuki

ARENA 25: [Sakagami Tomoyo] Mizunashi Akari

ARENA 26: Izumi Konata [Sawatari Makoto]

ARENA 27: [Ibuki Fūko] Hiiragi Tsukasa

ARENA 28: [Konjiki no Yami] Nagato Yuki

ARENA 29: Index Prohibitorum [Ryōgi Shiki]

ARENA 30: Furude Hanyū [Furukawa Nagisa]

ARENA 31: [Aisaka Taiga] Furude Rika

ARENA 32: Holo [Patchouli Knowledge]

I decided not to vote in two of the arenas, I know. I just couldn't decide in either of them.

Kyou needs to win this and 2ch's Saimoe tournament later this year. She needs to redeem herself after losing badly to Kagami last year, who of course went on to win the whole damn thing. -_-

Looking back, I made one mistake. I regret voting Tomoyo over Akari.

01 June 2009

Atelier Rorona Gameplay Footage


I don't want to play this game. I need to play this game. Now. I don't care if NISA, heck anyone for that matter is planning on localizing this game. I'm playing it regardless of my Japanese knowledge.

07 May 2009


Yes, I haven't posted in this blog for weeks. So sue me. I've been occupied with other things and I haven't given myself the time to post a new entry for quite some time.

After a small event I've been motivated to study Japanese again. Finally. I've digged up my Japanese language book and English-Japanese dictionary and have been frequently looking at them. I need to communicate with other Japanese people if I ever go to Japan and read the text on Japanese games and doujins somehow. >_>

Anyway, time for an update. The portfolio is going well and is progressing towards completion. It's due next Thursday, which is plenty of time.

Next week is finals week. My last exam is on Friday. Since college isn't free I'll be needing to spend some time to make sure that I'm getting my moneys worth. In other words I'll be studying to death over the next week and I'll need to make sure that distractions are minimal. Knowing that I spend a lot of my life at my desktop I'm going to have to leave it at home. Thus I won't be active at any forums or sites that I frequent starting this weekend up until exams are over. The only things that I'll be bringing besides my study materials will be my DS, sketch book, and my Japanese book. Hey, Tenma needs something to do when he's not studying. :P

I've been playing Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia on and off for some time now. Shanoa is at level 38 and I've reached Death. It's taking me quite some time to kill him. -_- Oh well. I'll probably beat it sometime this weekend. I need to pick up Persona 4 again once I come back from finals week. SMT: Devil Summoner 2 comes out this Tuesday. I reserved my copy at Gamestop some time ago and luckily the employees there have decided to hold onto my copy for me until I pick it up that weekend. Don't worry Radho, Tenma will be there for you once he's done being "busy." ^_^

I'll be bringing my cell phone with me too, so all contact with me won't be completely lost. I'll still be on AIM, YIM, and MSN via mobile so feel free to send me an IM. Especially if something important has happened that I need to know. *is worried* I won't guarantee that I'll reply to it, but at least it would make me happy. It's lonely being in an area under a stressful situation you know. :P

I don't have much else to say. Wish me luck!

21 April 2009

The Next Month

Finals are slowly creeping up on me. I'm currently working on my Intro to Photography portfolio, and I have no clue when it'll be done. I'm supposed to have 10 contact sheets and 15 prints made in two weeks. I have two sheets made and five prints done, although some of them I want to redo since they're not quite up to standard. I'm doing a neglection theme for my portfolio, and for the most part I've been taking photographs of polluted areas and trash lying on the side of the road. I have four additional rolls of film waiting to be processed, and I'm currently working on 7/10 right now. They're all in black and white. Color would have worked much better for my project. -_-

Regardless, I also have three additional exams that I need to study for in the next few weeks, and for a Music as a World Phenomenon exam this coming Thursday.

As much as I hate to say this, I'm going to be less active at the sites and forums that I frequent until mid-May when I move out of my dorm and go home for the summer. My concentration level needs to be at the highest level that it can be at, and surfing the internet as frequently as I do at times like these is bound to hinder that. It's going to be painful since I won't be able to chat with people as much, and even more painful since I'll be away from the ones who I love, but it's a process that I'm going to have to deal with. College isn't free and I really don't feel like extending my stay for another semester, so that's the way that it's going to be.

I'll still be on AIM, YIM, and MSN, but don't be surprised if I'm slow to respond or seem unusually out of it at times.

I can't wait for summer.

14 April 2009

OMG it's here!

I'm ecstatic at the moment because of this.

The 1/8 PVC figure of my dear Chroche-sama has been delivered to my dorm and it's even better than I expected it to be. Then again, that's what I've come to expect from something involving her. <3 class="fullpost">All in all it was worth more than the $71 (+$10 for shipping) that I paid for it.

Takaboku Busujima (the sculptor) chose a good pose for her too. I've always liked Chroche-sama's most common piece of official art.

I may order a second one to keep in its box permanently while I take this one out for display once I finally buy a glass case for my figures. I may even do a photoshoot featuring both my Chroche and Luca figure. It'll be the most boring photoshoot ever since I can't change their poses or expressions (on that note, Ar Tonelico Figmas would be really cool ^^), but I think that it would be pretty cool to show the two together.

11 April 2009

Tsun~tsun Drive


Yes, this is just a picture of Chroche-sama being very upset towards a pair of Guegos. XD It's that way...for now.

04 April 2009

The New Golden Church

I uploaded old entries from my LJ account onto here. It's not all of it since a lot of my old entries were boring personal ones, but I hope you enjoy looking back into my past if you do.

I hope you enjoy the new banner. ^^; It's not much, but it's better than nothing. I <3 Chroche-sama. <3

There's one more thing that I want to do. I've been indecisive in what kind of banner and color scheme that I really want, and I feel like keeping them all for future reference, so I'm looking for a way that people can change the theme. I could have the current theme as the default one for example, and have different ones to select from in a drop menu in the sidebar for example. I have somewhat of an idea on how it could work, but I don't know how I could implement it onto here. If anyone can figure it out, then I shall grace you with an embrace like no other. <3

31 March 2009

Neco Arc: Evolution? (aka April Fools Day in the Nasuverse) Oh, and other stuff too!


This wasn't the first time that T-M did something like this. XD I guess that they've decided to do a sequel for this year's April 1st. They used real life models instead of Takeuchi's artwork. I don't know about you, but Neco Arc loses her appeal when converted to reality. -_-


In other news, I finally picked up a PSP. It's used, but in very good condition. ^^; I played a bit of Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? over the weekend and actually managed to beat the tutorial and three stages. I'll do the rest once I have the time and proper motivation for it. Next: Find a job and obtain a PS3. I was able to find an 80 GB used for $325, but I'd rather wait and see if Sony *finally* drops the price over the next three months. They did announce a price drop today...for the PS2. Arrrrgh! >_< I wonder what's taking them so long to do the same for the PS3...

I've been buying games like crazy recently. Amongst the awesomeness that I've picked up recently, my greatest and luckiest find has to be...Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. It was $60, and it came with everything. Granted, the thin cardboard box wasn't in the best shape, but everything else was in great condition, including the soundtrack CD and the game discs. It's been a long time since I've had this kind of luck with finding something that I want, and it's probably going to be a long time before I have that kind of luck again. Right place, right time FTW!

I think I'm done buying stuff for a while. XD The next thing that I'll be aquiring is Cross Edge, which I'll preorder if there are decent bonuses that come with it. I've already got Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2 and Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor on preorder, plus the 1/8 scale replica of my dear Chroche-sama coming for me, so I'm pretty much bogged down on cash at the moment. Not that I needed my backlog to become even larger than it has been, but I can't help but expand my collection. XD

26 March 2009

Atelier Rorona: Official Website is Go!


March 27th in Japan has arrived, and as promised by Gust the official website for Atelier Rorona is no longer just a placeholder graphic. More info on the game has been released on the upcoming title in the Atelier series for the Playstation 3. It's times like these where I wish that my Japanese was better. ;_;

I don't care if your name is Rorona or Rororina. I'll still love you like a little sister. *Grabs hand*<3

I'll be following this game uber closely from now on. XD Rororina is adorable and is full of love. She'll never reach Chroche-sama levels in my heart, but she's the cuteness nonetheless. <3

Gyaa~! Prit...ti! ^^;

More screenshots are out too. The visuals are the most beautiful that I've ever seen in a video game bar none. It takes advantage of the PS3's capabilities quite well I must say. ;p Gust's transition to 3D looks great so far, and I hope that the gameplay is just as great.

I don't really have much to say about the music. From the one track that I heard the music sounds the same as it has been in the past games in the series...not that it's a bad thing. From my mind, I assume that the composers are the usual team.

Gust has officially announced June 25th as Rorona's date of destiny for the Japanese. Gamewave's speculated release date was more than just speculation after all. I hope to preorder this game as it's the one game that I'm looking forward to regardless of language. Will the game get a North American and/or European release? I hope so, but only time will tell.

22 March 2009



I got tired of LJ's limited ways and I've already found this place to be more extensive. So I'm claiming this land as mine. *Plants flag on the ground in the name of himself and Chroche-sama* <3

I'll be importing my past LJ entries before too long and make this place look pretty as I can. Sadly, AJ is coming over to my place before too long and we're going to be doing some drafting and creative work for part three of the Alien's Project and *possibly* part two of the Midnight Stalker: Mad Max Chronicles. Not that I want to since it has been five years since we did part one. *cough*

So, want to friend and love me peoples?

21 March 2009

13 March 2009

Atelier Rorona! <3

I deleted my previous entry. It was a result of an outburst of emotions and I believe that I went a little too far. XD

I'm late with this, I know. I just wanted to share my thoughts on it.

Personally, I thought that the "blu-ray" beneath the PS3 was humorous. Like we didn't know that blu-ray was the format for the PS3
already. >_>

March 27th: A date where I'll certainly be on the lookout.

So Gust has decided to move onto the PS3 eh? It may not be a popular decision with most fans of the series, but I approve of this. The PS3 may be a hard console to develop for and I wish that Sony went with something other than their own blu-ray, but it's something that I believe deserves more support than it's getting.

Hopefully it's another entry in the traditional Atelier series of games. The Iris trilogy didn't receive that good of a reception in Japan due to its "save the world" plotlines and the traditional RPG elements. I believe that Gust has recognized this and has thrown the idea to the shack. Not to say that they weren't good games, which they were. Of all the games in the series, I've only played Atelier Iris 1, 2, and 3. Sadly. ;_; I've always wanted to try the normal entries in the series. *Has put off importing Atelier Lise and/or Annie for far too long*

It looks as Gust has brought in a new artist to do the artwork this time. I don't recognize the style right away, but the artwork shown looks absolutely stunning. Rorona, if that's her name on the right, looks adorable! ^^; She's up there with Lisette on my Atelier cuteness meter.

I'm so happy that you think that way Tenma!

Aww...no worries. After all, it's the truth! <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh7XfHtscsjFw7yXWLDebaH2KsEUk3UW6FNyTx6TL_NkWmVhnCb1i6NskrbYtn6s-wEgGi2-R-SIUCQuYu2BMnkeGYy6Od-5HH9RR4oA2UCd4stJxskQPwIK8P_LanQfq9q79pM964xxYBx/s1600-h/roronaface.png">

Hmmm...I think we're going to be knowing each other for a long, long time. <3 href="http://www.crossmedia.com.hk/gn/20090312/10261">already named June 25th as its possible date at a price of 6800 yen. When it does hit the streets in Japan I shall be waiting here patiently for my share of Rorona goodness. I'm planning on preordering if I have the money for it, especially if there's a collector's edition of the game like countless other Atelier titles have had in the past. Yay!

Hopefully the official website will be up by then too. Atelier Annie just came out in Japan, so I hope that they'll start to concentrate on Rorona now.I'll be sure to pick up a PS3 before the end of the summer. I've already got some money saved up for it and I'm getting ready for the console's price to drop at any given time. Which I hope will be this spring.

Yay Rorona! ^^

04 February 2009

The end of an era

July 31, 2008 - February 4, 2009
Never forget.

I'll miss this place. I'm still awaiting a Dawn of the New World t-shirt and a "10th Anniversary" soundtrack from that place. When it will come I have no clue. XD

Happy birthday to Rin Tohsaka of Fate fame, you beautiful tsun ~ tsun you. You need the support if you're going to be around Shirou "People die if they are killed" Emiya all the time. Much love to you. <3>Kaleido Ruby =D

29 January 2009


At 2 PM tomorrow I'll be heading down to Columbus for this year's Ohayocon. I won't be back until Sunday afternoon at the earliest. Just letting you know. *Hopes that the dealer's room will still have a lot of worthwhile stuff once he makes it there*

Best. Week. EVER!

Guess who I got an e-mail from now? NISA! Somehow, someway I've done it. Again. I'm actually a...*gasp*...WINNER in their body pillow contest! Oh yes. Oh hell yes. And my work is going to *possibly* be featured in one of NISA's future newsletters. I don't think I've ever been involved in something quite like this. XD First the contest describing what I would do with the pillow, now this. And I'll be going to Ohayocon this weekend if I can somehow find a ride sometime today. More awesomeness! Sadly I won't be bringing my Kaito cosplay along with me to the event as it has yet to be finished due to lack of materials and access to them, but I may bring along my Zelos Wilder for yet another ride. Whee ~

I never imagined this in my wildest dreams. What has started as possibly one of the worst times in my entire life has turned into one of the best weeks in my entire life.

26 January 2009

ZOMG ZOMG! Adrian I did it!

I just got an email from Games Radar a few hours ago telling me that I won a Jakuri body pillow! My entry was actually good enough to warrant it. Yes! Yes! Yes! YES! *runs around in circles* Pictures shall come.

That's not the only new possession that I own. I finally got a DS! Right now it's just sitting near my window, chilling. I only own two games for it (The World Ends With You and Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia), but I'm know for a fact that my collection is going to skyrocket once I have enough money and I'm ready to import again. *Glares at copies of Atelier Lise and Tales of Innocence*

24 January 2009

Ar Tonelico 2! <3

I apologize for the outburst of emodom that I posted last night. I feel much better and it's time for me to move onto something awesome. Something that involves girls that sing to save the world. Something that involves entering their "cosmospheres" to make them stronger than they already are. I'm talking about Ar Tonelico II: Melody of Metafalica! ^^;

The Sacred Army Set indeed! I've waiting months for this moment! ^^;

I bought the Sacred Army Set off of RosenQueen back when it was first available in September of last year. The initial box came with the game (duh), a 22 page full color mini artbook, and a 24 track soundtrack. The preorder bonus was an additional 31 track soundtrack with 12 more pages of artwork inside its case. Unfortunately, if you combine the two soundtrack CDs you still don't get the Ar Tonelico II OST in its entirety. Also, the only song magic track on either of the CDs is "EXEC_WITH.METHOD_METAFALICA", which I find disappointing since the song magics are usually my favorite songs in Ar Tonelico. "EXEC_WITH.PHANTASMAGORIA" anyone? XD Anyway, I'm debating on whether or not I should break the wrap covering the bonus soundtrack. I still have it on my copy of the soundtrack that came with Ar Tonelico, but I'm curious to see what the contents of the "extra" pages of the artbook are.

I was quite surprised when I opened the artbook to find this. More Chroche-sama! <3<3<3<3

I thought that I've seen all of the official AT2 artwork that there was to see. Apparently I was wrong. Chroche-sama still looks beautiful as ever in those facial expressions. <3>
AT2 on my shelf, right next to AT1 and the other localized Gust games that I own. ^^;

The game when it was still sealed...

If you win this, then please think of the Jakuri. Protect her and don't abuse her. Please...

There's a Jakuri (Jacqli) body pillow contest going on right now at several gaming sites if you didn't know already. I really want one as I feel as though I need something to hug and be with whenever I'm feeling lonely.

Well, it's time for me to go play this game already. Sadly, I heard that some of the voices in the game are missing. Stupid NISA! *nails the translators with Majinken* Regardless, my dear Chroche-sama is waiting for me, and I cannot fail her as her breaking my heart would be far too damaging to my own mind and soul. Chroche, I love you...